Te Whakatika
Te Whakatika[1] – The Aotearoa New Zealand Professional Practice Journal for Outdoor and Environmental learning.
Te Whakatika Spring Issue November 2024 call for contributions
You can submit an article at anytime however, 2 August 2024 is the closing date.
- With a commitment to two issues a year, this is a call for contributions to our Spring issue for October/November 2024. The focus will be articles on a Spring Theme about using creativity when learning, teaching, researching, and being in the outdoor environment at all levels.
- In this spirit, we invite contributions from the NZAEE and EONZ communities to write about taking music, dance, photography, drama, and arts and crafts into the outdoor setting.
- Your article may provide diverse perspectives on how you and others are using creative activities/actions to learn in, about, for, and with the outdoors. In other words, tell us how you take the Arts into the outdoors.
- We are also interested in articles not associated with the Spring Theme. So please tell us about your work in the outdoors. However, be mindful that we do not want you to self-promote a centre, or an outdoor business but rather share the experience of participation from the student, teacher, and facilitator perspectives.
- To support and add interest to your writing, please send 1-3 high-resolution photographs separately. (Please do not put the photographs into your text). Each photograph needs a brief title and reference for the source. We will select at least one to place within your text.
- If you have any questions or would like assistance with a potential article idea, contact the editor or one of the editorial board members.
Guidelines for writing
- Word count between 600 to 1500 words long with a limitation of five to six references. We would also like you to include photographs or other illustrations to support your article. These must be photos that you have permission to use in the public domain.
- Photographs or other illustrations to support your article (jpeg). These must be photos you have permission to use in the public domain. They must be sent separately to your text.
- Use of Māori in text – Does not need to be italicised as it is not a foreign language. Do not mark plurals of Māori with an s. Use macrons on long vowels or a double vowel.
- Format for copy submission e.g. Microsoft word, Adobe PDF
- Manuscript is double spaced in A4 format
- Format for references is APA style https://www.waikato.ac.nz/library/guidance/referencing/apa
- Submit via the EONZ website or a link to EONZ from the NZAEE website or directly to editor@eonz.org.nz
Once your submission has been received the editor will email it to a reviewer who will check out the article. They may give feedback and return the article to the editor. The editor checks the feedback and forwards it to the author to consider and rewrite aspects if that is required. The author then returns the article to the editor who prepares it for publication.
Ngā mihi ki a koutou.
Dr Maureen Legge
Editor Te Whakatika
[1] Te Whakatika (formerly known as Out and About) describes the start of a journey (to set out), but also means to make correct (to amend and prepare).
ISSN 2624-0513 (Print) ISSN 2624-0512 (Online) is published by Education Outdoors New Zealand (EONZ).
For back copies of Te Whakatika, please see our archives page here
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