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Outdoor Education programme interviews.

Anthony Wood: Building relationships with mana whenua at Kaikōura High School - Outdoor Education

Anthony shares a little about Outdoor Education at Kaikōura High School and his journey in connecting and building a genuine relationship with mana whenua. He talks about how his teaching approach has changed and how what he originally set out to do in regards to incorporating mātauranga Māori into his OE programme was quite different from the outcome, which gave him a whole new perspective.

Freya Bullock - Aorere College: Outdoor education and te ao Māori

An interview with Freya Bullock about her Outdoor Education programme at Aorere college. Listen in on how attending the EONZ 'Mātauranga Māori in Outdoor Education' PLD at Waikari marae in 2022 stirred in her something amazing. In this kōrero Freya shares how maramataka has become a big part of her programme and how she has got right out of the box with some of the level 2 PE achievement standards.

Links to some of her resources coming soon.