Pedagogy & Curriculum focus PLD
Revisioning School Camps
This superb PLD uses a model of Teacher as Inquiry to re-envisage and actualise school camps. The PLD draws on a teaching and learning resource called Revisioning School Camps to support teachers in the development of localised, place-responsive and student-centred school camp programmes.
DIY Camping
The 'DIY Camping' PLD has been developed to sit alongside our popular 'Revisioning School Camps' (RSC) PLD. The RSC PLD covers important concepts that help schools develop localised, place-responsive, and student-centred school camps, and the DIY Camping workshop brings these ideas and activities to life. This workshop is perfect for educators who want to develop their knowledge of localised curriculum and how EOTC can support the Aotearoa New Zealand Histories curriculum.
To find out more and leave your interest in attending this professional learning.
Related information
- Pedagogy & Curriculum focus PLD
- EOTC Management PLD
- EOTC & Effective Safety Management Systems
- Embedding Good Practice Systems for EOTC
- EOTC Through the Board Lens
- Tailored Expertise
- Provider workshops
- Qualifications
- Qualification Subsidies for Teachers
- PLD Events
- Planning Safe Water-Based Experiences – On-line PLD
- Event Terms and Conditions
- Regional NCEA Hui
- Fatality Prevention Workshop