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EOTC Research
Ko te manu ka kai i te miro nōna te ngahere
Ko te anu ka kai I te mātauranga nōna te ao
The bird that eats from the miro tree owns the forest
The bird that eats of the tree of knowledge owns the world
The research readings and links to research sites on this page provide some of the current theories, ideas, and critiques of EOTC. The material can help you understand what matters for your students, help you to do some things differently, or confirm that you are on the right track. The content might even provide the stimulus to get you started on your own research journey.
Reports and Readings

- Education Outside the Classroom in Aotearoa New Zealand - a Comprehensive National Study: Final Report (2020) This important piece of research is authored by an inter-university research team from across the country. It seeks to gain a contemporary and comprehensive understanding of what EOTC is currently occurring in schools across the country, the value that schools see in/ascribe to EOTC, and the various challenges and factors that influence the provision of EOTC.
- Education Outside the Classroom - Applied Research Readings 2010 - 2017 A report compiled by Shannon McNatty & Dr Mike Boyes University of Otago for the Ministry of Education and EONZ. February 2017.
- Review and Maintenance Programme (RAMP) Health and Physical Education. An overview of themes in the research literature - August 2015
- Summaries of results from the 2017 National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement:
- Environmental awareness of New Zealand Students This report from the Ministry of Education He Whakaaro, Education Insights uses data from the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) to examine the awareness of a range of environmental issues in New Zealand English-medium secondary students and how this has changed in the last decade.
Other Material
Australian Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education (JOEE). Find out about online access to the JOEE here.
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- EOTC Research
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- Embracing Uncertainty Conference (EONZ, NZHEA, PENZ) 2021