EONZ is committed to working towards a sustainable future
We view...
Sustainable practice as underpinning good practice in the outdoors. This is because, if through our actions or inactions, we degrade or deplete the resources of the world and we will lose the very thing that we cherish. Sustainability is about considering all elements of the environment, biosphere and living organisms on the planet when making choices or decisions about how and what we do.
We encourage...
Schools, organisations, and individuals to carefully consider the rationale and purpose of their activities and programmes, and how they can fit within a model of sustainability. We invite ideas and discussion about ways in which that could be achieved.
We would like...
To know what you are doing with your students and participants to develop thinking and programmes that integrate sustainability into your approach. If you would like to contribute to this page please email your ideas and material to us at EONZ
Sustainable Action Ideas
1. Get in contact with the Department of Conservation about conservation projects. Check:
2. Contact your local Councils to find out how your students/ school can become involved in conservation or restoration projects.
3. Contact with the Department of Conservation about conservation projects.
4. Grow plants from seed and plant a tree for every visitor.
See DOC's resource.
Find out how to grow native plants from seed.
5. Link up to community organisations involved in sustainability projects. Try Eco Matters
6. Do a beach tidy-up, rubbish pick-ups, add litter collection bonus points in a rogaine/ orienteering course.
7. Read about a new PLOGGING trend:
- http://picknrun/.com
- From the Guardian - a rubbish way to get fit
- From Stuff NZ - plogging is the new fitness trend
8. Apply "leave no trace", "do no harm" principles to your activities:
- Go to Leave No Trace, and
- Know before you Go/Care Codes on the DOC website
9. Set up worm farms or composting systems to deal with your school's or programme's compostable waste. Check these websites:
- Green Ideas - composting and building a worm farm
- The Rubbish Trip - great ideas with respect to waste when camping. Some camp venues have composting facilities whilst other may require ‘pack it out’
10. Adopt an area of local land (through your local council or DOC)
Links to Sustainability Resources
- Ministry of the Environment - Manatū Mō Te Taiao has the environmental stewardship for a prosperous New Zealand. Find policy and guidelines on:
- There are teaching resources on the Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research site and is a great source of information.
- A carbon emission calculator can be found at Enviromark.
- The background to ecological footprints can be found at the Footprint Network
Conservation volunteer information:
- The New Zealand Trust for Conservation Volunteers New Zealand
Related information
- Classroom, Curriculum & Assessment
- Learning Activities for KIWI Outdoors in Aotearoa
- Junior Outdoor Education
- Haerenga (Journeys)
- Outdoor Education programme interviews.
- Low cost and local Outdoor Education ideas, activities and resources
- Outdoor Education planning considerations
- NCEA Level 1 PE in an OE context
- EOTC Conference 2020
- EOTC Research
- Good Practice Stories
- Publications
- Revisioning School Camps
- Sustainability
- Te Ao Māori
- Te Whakatika
- Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education
- Unit Standard Assessment Resources
- Embracing Uncertainty Conference (EONZ, NZHEA, PENZ) 2021