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Regional NCEA Hui

 EONZ will be running 5 regional hui in term 4 at the following locations.  

  • Wellington, 12th November  - Aotea College 
  • Dunedin, 13th November - University of Otago College of Education 
  • Christchurch, 14th November - Papanui High School 
  • Auckland, 21st November - Papatūānuku Kōkiri marae
  • Rotorua, 25th November - (followed by an optional 1 or 2 days Mountain Biking PLD on the 26th and 27th). Hui location TBC 

During these hui we will cover 

  • OE junior curriculum
  • Vocational Pathways and being an Outdoor Education pathway champion in your school
  • Resource sharing and development 
  • Regional mentoring systems
  • Checking in on H&S updates
  • Breakout groups looking at:
    • 2024 'how it went' and 2025 planning for NCEA level 1 PE AS's in an OE context
    • Outdoor Recreation unit standards
    • Te Ao Māori unit standards
  • Any other specific topics your region want to cover
  • Some time to connect and kōrero

Please bring:

- Lunch (morning tea will be provided) 

- Any resources you would like to share