How do I know if my school has joined the Database?
Are you are the EOTC coordinator?
Sign up via the Database Registration page. If a previous EOTC coordinator has registered (but not passed on details of the initiative to you) we will tell you.
You should know if you are already registered as you'll have received an introduction, followed by periodic Network Updates (one per term at least).
1. Ask your EOTC coordinator if they are already registered and if not, direct them to the Database Registration page, or
2. Email the EONZ office and enquire. We can support you to get your person registered.
This is a freely available initiative for schools in Aotearoa New Zealand. One person from the staff can be registered at any one time. If the role is shared, it's as simple as forwarding any Database communications to that person once they arrive in your inbox.
Don't Know
Email the EONZ office with the EOTC coordinator's details and we will sort it for you.